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Popular Posts, Last 30 Days, On Amazing UFO Stories And Strange UFO Videos

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

April 10th 1994 - Immobilized By Daytime UFO Sighting In Colousa California (Latest MUFON Reports)

Of course AUS-SUV has carried stories of folks being immobilized by encountering a UFO phenomena and with `missing time' being a component part of it. But, some folks have NO MEMORY of this missing time frame - even to report any experiences or phenomena (the seamless missing time like I experienced with two others for example). And, often, the impossible to believe phenomena event falls immediately into the impossible to even remember event - as if memory is wiped clean of the experience. 

Enjoy this description:

We had just come from gambling at Colousa Casino driving back home to Sacramento. When nwe came into the town of Colousa when I noticed a bright light off to our right. I told the driver to turn down the street where the light was coming from. As soon as we turned, there was a saucer shaped object hovering in the sky about rooftop height. We sat and watched for an unknown amount of time. It was light out when we stopped but dark when we left. I wanted to get out of the car but could not say so. I tried to move to get out of the car but was also unable to move. I knew it was a UFO up close and personal. I didnt think about the sighting for many years and then I remembered it. I asked the driver if she remembered it and she said oh yeah. We were both certain that it was a UFO. We discussed it and remembered that we didnt realize at the time how long we stayed watching it. We knew that several hours must have passed due to the change of daylight when we finally left. The UFO was still there when we left. Neither of us remember anything but sitting there unable to move. I have had other sightings but those were at a distance and just lights that changed direction too fast and too imposswible for a plane.
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