Just going to the bin to bring to you the best of what Ken Pfeifer is offering up:
Brigadier General, James McDivitt, USAF Retired, was the commander on the Gemini IV mission among others. However, it was on that particular space flight in June of 1965 that McDivitt saw what he described in these words: It had a very definite shape – a cylindrical object – it was white – it had a long arm that stuck out on the side. like a beer can or a pop can, and with a little thing like maybe like a pencil or something sticking out of it. McDivitt suspected that it was probably very close to the spacecraft, but he was also somewhat confused: I don’t know whether it was a very small object up close or a very large object a long ways away. There was nothing to judge by. I really don’t know how big it was. We had two cameras that were just floating in the spacecraft at the time, so I grabbed one and took a picture of (the object) and grabbed the other and took a picture. Then I turned on the rocket control systems because I was afraid we might hit it. At the time we were drifting – without checking I have no idea which way we were going – but as we drifted up a little farther the sun shone on the window of the spacecraft. The windshield was dirty – just like in an automobile, you can’t see through it. So I had the rocket control engines going again and moved the spacecraft so that the window was in darkness again – the object was gone. At the end of the day, it’s all in what you want to believe. There are those who will accept a more conventional explanation and others who are going to claim this is proof of ET. Whatever you believe, I’m sure McDivitt often wishes he never saw what he saw...Submitted by Scott McMan on October 4, 2013 NOTE: The below images are real.

(Photos to Amazing UFO Stories Courtesy Of KP)
Sure looks like an object (probe?) - but - how could it be `gone'?
Chase Brandon, a well-respected 25-year Central Intelligence Agency veteran, claims the UFO crash at Roswell was real. Brandon served as a spy and undercover covert operations officer in the CIA’s infamous Clandestine Service for 25 years and claims the CIA has information on the Roswell UFO incident that proves “it’s real” and happened exactly the way it was first reported when the Army announced it had captured a UFO back in 1947. He claims the information is housed in a special section of CIA headquarters in Langley, Va., called the Historical Intelligence Collection room. “It was a vaulted area and not everybody could get in it,” Brandon told The Huffington Post recently. “One day, I was looking around in there and reading some of the titles that were mostly hand-scribbled summations of what was in the boxes. And there was one box that really caught my eye. It had one word on it: Roswell,” he said. “I took the box down, lifted the lid up, rummaged around inside it, put the box back on the shelf and said, ‘My God, it really happened!” Some written material and some photographs, and that’s all I will ever say to anybody about the contents of that box,” he said. “But it absolutely, for me, was the single validating moment that everything I had believed, and knew that so many other people believed had happened, truly was what occurred” ‘It was a craft that did not come from this planet.’ Not surprisingly the CIA didn’t respond to emails requesting conformation of the Roswell file in the Historical Intelligence Collections room.
I love this Amazing UFO story that one would hope would exist somewhere of the `secret box' of info.
Hey, were coming into the weekend.... more tales from KP's webpage:
How about a 1971 crashed saucer event?
A small mushroom-shaped craft crashed close to Edwards AFB. It was dull gray (gun-metal) in color with greenish lights, about 3-3, 5 m in diameter and 1.5-2m in height. 3 gray humanoids, including one that was still alive and a human female abductee (Lorraine Dvorak Cordini) were found onboard. The craft, bodies and survivors were moved to Edwards AFB. The witness Debbie Clayton reported that she heard a loud roaring sound and then a loud crash. Outside she could see a cloud of dust several blocks away. She walked over to the crash site and while other civilians were studying the craft, the military arrived, weapons drawn. One of the civilians had been taken photographs and an Air Force officer ripped the camera from his hands and smashed it but didn't try to remove the film. The craft had no markings but seemed to be scratched. There were no windows or seams, and it appeared to be molded in one piece. The texture was smooth. The military told the witnesses to leave or be arrested. The military then covered the craft with a large canvas and lifted it with cables attached to the canvas. Once it was loaded, the military left and there was no mention of the incident in the newspapers. The cause of the crash was later established to have been a technical malfunction. Lorraine Dvorak Cordinilater was able to remember (despite the fact that the military attempted to erase her memory with the use of drugs, hypnosis, etc) that she had been traveling onboard the UFO from a mothership in space. She was dressed in a tight-fitting pink body suit. Three extraterrestrial crewmen were returning her to Earth in a small pod-like craft. Lorraine soon found herself standing amid the wreckage. One dead alien was far to her left, barely visible from where she stood, another dead alien was about 20 feet in front of her. A military person was apparently kicking the alien's dead body. The third alien crewmember was alive and standing about 20 feet from her, dazed, confused and disoriented. She too felt this way. Suddenly she felt a jerk as a military person grabbed her arms, brought them around her back and handcuffed her. As they were hauling her off she received an image in her mind of the "captain" onboard the mothership. It was a tall, 6' humanoid in a long white gown, short brown hair, female, which was communicating to Lorraine how sorry she was for not being able to help her and the other aliens, for if they did they would be detected. Her sorrow was apparent. Other aliens were around her and the same feelings of helplessness and frustration were felt. The other aliens resembled small gray humanoids (similar to the ones seen in the movie "Close Encounters"). Lorraine was then thrown into the backseat of a black limousine. Her next memory was what surfaced in the hypnosis session. Lorraine was lying on a cold metal table in a hangar. Three military persons stood to the left of the table. One may have been an officer because he had a different cap than the fatigue uniforms of the other two persons. Another uniformed military man was at Lorraine's head and to the right and to his left was an alien whom Lorraine described as having a pumpkin-shaped head. He had appeared in a childhood experience that previously surfaced during the same hypnosis session. In the childhood experience he was in a spacesuit... Lorraine's child's mind saw him dangling outside the window in a deep sea diver's suit. This alien was about 4 ft tall, his body bulbous and brown. His head bulbous and pumpkin like. Lorraine "heard" the alien thinking how great he felt about himself and how proud he was to be in the service of the earth military men... he had a smug attitude and the military man next to him showed contempt towards the alien. She was very confused and disoriented. Her next memory was of being yanked off the table and being dragged outside the hangar. There she saw many flashing red lights and screamed, "My God, that isn't a space ship that is the police, my God it is the police." The military men then sat her on a bus and she ended up in San Francisco stranded and lost.
For what it's worth... the above to me sounds like a dream then `supported' by fiction... but that's me.
MORE? You glutton..... How about a `recounting' of the semi-famous Aztex UFO Crash?
One of the accounts covered an alleged crash at Aztec, New Mexico in 1948, only a brief period of time after the famous Roswell incident. Scully's information came largely from a mysterious Dr. Gee. Depending on which commentary you read, the identity of this physician is attributed to either a real doctor, or a fictitious person who was composed of elements of several different witnesses. Scully described the Aztec crash as that of a craft which was measured at exactly 99.99 feet in diameter, covered by a material which resembled a light weight, shiny metal that possessed incredible strength and durability. It seems that nothing on this earth could penetrate or damage the hull of this craft from another world. The disc shaped craft had large metallic rings revolving around a central core, which was supposedly the control bridge of the object. The hull of the craft contained no apparent seams, rivets, or any hint of the material being pieced together. As the story goes, the investigating team gained access to its interior by the use of a long pole which they pushed through a porthole in the saucer. A knob was engaged which opened a previously hidden door. Once inside, the team found 16 small humanoid beings, all dead, their bodies charred from fire. The aliens height was reported as 36-42 inches. The exterior of the craft was not damaged. The inside showed that the craft was put together with a framework of grooves and pins. The craft and the alien bodies were allegedly sent to Wright-Patterson Air Force Base. Other supporting evidence of the Aztec crash was said to have surfaced in 1987 from one William Steinman, but his sources were never verified. Steinman asserted that the crash occurred on March 25, 1948, and was verified by three different radar stations. Steinman's account listed 14 dead aliens instead of 16. Until supporting evidence of Scully's or Steinman's account can be obtained, the Aztec crash story remains an unsolved mystery.
I Think we'll cap the amazing UFO stories for there for one read - thanks for checking this out and the archive has lots of stuff you'd enjoy I bet.
My best selling book has been rolled into this book