It has a 10-1 positive to negative rating from YT viewers BTW.
One of the classic cases of public landings in non-media centers or with story-lines simply beyond belief. An effort to sell papers?
Are you up for one more.... very interesting MUFON report from 3-20-13 in South Carolina?.... thought so: Full Boiling Springs SC UFO Report - the highlights are below: RED is my emphasis:
....I parked in a field with a clear view and began recording. The hovering light stayed near the tower but was moving slowly in different directions and sometimes it would vanish. Then another appeared. Together they floated upwards at an angle to each other. Then again vanished. I observed this pattern and then one began coming my way. I filmed it as it flew overhead with a strange light or something that looked like it was emitting or being sucked into the front of it. As you would imagine a smoke cloud coming out of a jet but this was being sucked in the front as it traveled. I could see a weird halo that was not captured on the video for whatever reason but I could see it with my naked eye. After it traveled over my head and headed off I could then see what I hadnt noticed before, behind me. In the sky many of these things were around all in a formation and almost undetected to the naked eye. My camera picked them up perfectly. They were periodically flashing lights, from red, white and green. White was seen the most. When I got home and looked at my video I noticed how many there were. At least ten but Im not sure if some were the same and just moving that quick to another part in the sky. I have the video and I contacted the local FAA to which I was told there was nothing unusual in my area last night and that I should maybe contact the police dept.....
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